Is proofreading important?
Spellcheck is only human, after all. It can’t catch everything. Here are some errors that Spellcheck will not catch, and, by the way, one more reason why writers should read their work aloud.
You are all welcome at the Christmas concert. The choir is not rehearsing. (instead of now rehearsing)
Pubic relations director instead of public relations on one person’s business card
The driver made a last minute decision not to exist instead of exit. In that particular story, both words led to the same result.
God is now here was printed as God is nowhere.
Ongoing exercise: As students make these flubs, you can share them (anonymously, of course) with the class, and students themselves can contribute to an ongoing list.
As a speech pathologist, I love anything about language. Glad to find your blog but how can I follow? Didn’t see a place.
I’m a writing teacher and am so excited about your blog! I just told a student today not to ONLY use Spellcheck.
Thanks for this! I look forward to seeing more.
-Miss GOP