
This blog is meant to help teachers create more productive writing classrooms. Its basic focus is how language is constructed, how meaning is made, and what the role of language is in our lives.  It contains information and exercises to illustrate linguistic ideas and principles, and further hopes to introduce a new philosophy about university teaching, thus changing the university experience for both teachers and students.

Ann teaches Writing at Montclair State University.  She has also taught English Communication to international graduate students at Stevens Institute of Technology. She has an M.A. in Applied Linguistics from Montclair State, and an M.A. in English from New York University.  She speaks French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Greek.

She is marketing Searching for the Unicorn: a Picaresque Memoir, the story of what happened when she started dating at 60. Audio of the first chapter of this book can be found on her website and blog, www.annandersonevans.com. A short story, Driving to Nyanga, will be published this summer in the debut online edition of the journal Under the Sun, and other stories and essays have  been published in the literary and academic press.

3 Responses to “About”

  • Ron Kephart says:

    Ann, Nice blog. Do you mind if I link to you on mine? Ron

  • Julie Dalley says:

    Ann, how do I subscribe or follow your blog? Is it by invitation only? if so, can you please invite me, so that I can receive an update each time you post? My wordpress username is icouldmarryabook. It might also be under teachingandlearningatmsu. Thanks! Julie

    • ann says:

      I have installed a button in the upper left hand corner of the home page which will allow you to subscribe two ways to the blog. Thanks for prompting me to do this.

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